Coaching & Training

  • Become a successful speaker.

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  • Learn how to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.

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  • Land the job with your perfectly polished public speaking.

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Our first impression in the workplace is controlled by our ability to present well and project a professional image. Successful speakers tell good stories, 'break the script,' use appropriate humor, value visual aids, and help the audience solve a problem. Stephanie prepares clients to exceed audience expectations each time they speak. Videotaping, feedback, and practice move speakers from the status quo (or worse) to meaningful and memorable.

Public Speaking / Professional Presence

Who this is for: 

  • Conference and interview presenters, company representatives, and subject matter experts with a message to share

  • Individuals, Small groups, Large groups


  • In-person and virtual

  • Individual coaching sessions from 2 weeks to 2 months

  • All day and half-day workshops for small groups

  • 1- hour large group presentations to create awareness and enthusiasm for improving public speaking skills

What you’ll learn:

  • How to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds and leave them with an ending note they can’t forget

  • What most speakers forget to do in the first three minutes

  • Why your public speaking review starts long before you are introduced

  • When your audience needs to be the driver

  • How to keep your audience engaged and surprised

  • Where to include stories, visual aids, testimonies, humor, and all that data

  • And much more…

“Although I'm a public speaker with a lot of experience, Stephanie helped to take my speaking to a whole new level…She made the learning process a lot of fun. She made a big difference in my confidence and content, and because of my work with her I'm more passionate than ever about sharing my words with others.”

Alicia Economos, Founder | Wholehearted Living

One-time Presentation Evaluation

Looking for a quick assessment of your polished presentation? Send me your recording or invite me to your presentation and let me provide you with feedback in one coaching session.

Who this is for:

  • A presenter who has done this talk multiple times, but isn't getting the response they hoped for 

  • A presenter who has done this talk a couple of times and wants to know how they can raise the bar


  • In-person and/or virtual

  • 1-2 hour coaching session

What you'll learn:

  • Observations as an audience member 

  • Changes to improve your presentation

  • Action steps to make it happen

People Intelligence

Over half of our job success is based on our level of People Intelligence. It is critical that we understand what high People Intelligence looks like and how it relates to our personality and our Intellectual Quotient (IQ). Participants will leave understanding the 12 competencies of Emotional Intelligence (EI), how to improve their People Intelligence (PI) and what high EI and PI can do for their career success and earning potential.

Who this is for: 

  • Executives, Managers, and Workplace teams

  • Individuals, Small groups, Large groups


  • In-person and virtual

  • 1-hour individual coaching sessions over 12 weeks

  • All day and half-day workshops for small groups

  • Large group presentations to increase awareness about People Intelligence and generate enthusiasm for improving organizational and individual People Intelligence

What you’ll learn:

  • Why People Intelligence is responsible for over 50% of job success

  • What your personality and IQ have to do with People Intelligence

  • How low People Intelligence impacts the workplace

  • What 12 Emotional Intelligence competencies impact People Intelligence

  • How to improve your People Intelligence for personal and professional success

“Stephanie did a fantastic job with her emotional intelligence presentation! It’s been one of the most popular presentations we’ve offered over the last few years. Stephanie is so easy to work with; you can count on her presentations resonating with the audience as she blends high-energy and humor with great information.”

Katie Lickteig, Assistant Director for Alumni Relations | Iowa State University Alumni Association

Who this is for: 

  • Individuals preparing for interview presentations


  • In-person or virtual

  • Individual coaching sessions—duration and number determined by your timeline (Please reach out even if you only have a few days to prep!)

A presentation as part of the job interview can seal the deal—if you're prepared to succeed. This just-in-time public speaking work is meant for clients who know the next step will include a presentation and they are ready to get started. We will “cram for the test” and WOW the decision makers.

Interview Presentation Preparation

What you’ll learn:

  • How to surprise and delight the audience which may include the search committee, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders

  • How to set yourself apart from the competition

“Stephanie was my secret weapon for landing a job…She helped me to craft and tell my own story and to lay out my vision in a way that was genuinely compelling. How did I know to enlist Stephanie? I had watched her help scientists up their game a few times and was struck by the result each and every time. The researchers became outstanding speakers in short order under Stephanie's guidance.”

Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Ph.D. Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences | Colorado State University

Interested in working together?

Reach out using the form and I’ll be in touch to discuss your specific needs and requests.

  • Half-day workshops (public speaking and people intelligence): $3,000

    Whole-day workshops (public speaking and people intelligence): $5,300

    Individual coaching (public speaking and people intelligence): Starting at $2,500

    One-time Presentation Evaluation: Starting at $1,200

    Interview coaching (20-40 minute presentation): Starting at $1,500

    Keynotes: $2,500

    Please reach out to me with any questions about fees, so we can discuss your individual needs.