I help subject matter experts
move an audience to their feet and
I help senior leaders keep their seat.

Stephanie speaks to a large group at Iowa State

Public Speaking and People Intelligence are critical skills for career success. Invest in yourself, your team, and your organization.

From individual coaching to small group workshops to large presentations—both in person and virtual—Stephanie provides expert training in public speaking and people intelligence.

Stephanie brings her humor, flexibility, and break-the-script mentality to the workplace with ease.

Want to hire Stephanie?

Crack the Egg

Buy my book!

Cookies to Contracts: 50 Ways to Public Speaking Intelligence

Public speaking success is fun and rewarding. This book includes 50 ways for speakers with 5 to 5,000 audience members to go for the gold and move from the lectern to the top of the podium.

Interested in learning more information or inquiring about booking Stephanie?